Robot Chicken Wiki
{{#watch:Gadget Weaponized Robot Chicken Adult Swim}}
Watch Gadget Weaponized on [as] video

Season: 8

Episode: Triple Hot Dog Sandwich on Wheat

Length: 0:47

Cast: Seth Green (Inspector Gadget, Chief Quimby, Dr. Claw), Cree Summer (Penny)

Characters: Inspector Gadget, Chief Quimby, Penny, Brain, Dr. Claw, MAD Cat

Segment Summary: Snowden tried to warn us.

Themes: Death, Destruction, Guns, Robots, Television, Violence


Trivia / Info:

Goofs / Nitpicks:

Transcription - Interpretations

Game of Thrones: Shadow Baby - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Sherlock Giraffe
