Robot Chicken Wiki

(In the kitchen, Rosa and her mother are putting a puzzle together, while her grandmother is walking slowly down the hall.)

Rosa: Mama, why does Grandma walked so slow?

Mother: Because Grandma's old, honey, and her bones are very brittle.

Rosa: Mama, what's brittle?

Mother: You know like um... like.. peanut brittle, dear.

Rosa: Mmmm! Yummy! (Rosa runs out of the kitchen)

Grandma: (off-screen) Oh, hi, little Rosa! OH, WHAT ARE YOU DO-?!

(The sounds of flesh being ripped apart is heard along with the grandmother crying out in pain. The mother is shocked by them and runs out of the kitchen.)

Rosa: Where's the peanut brittle?! I want the peanut brittle! Where is it?! Give to me, I just want it!

Mother: Rosa, no! Put Grandma's leg back!

Rose: Mama, please!

