Robot Chicken Wiki

[Cut to a meeting room four Oompa loompas are sitting around a table]

Oompa Loompa 1: [enters the room] They just arrived! There's a fat kid, a normal kid, a greedy kid, and a TV watcher.

Oompa Loompa 2: Okay. People, we got to write four new Oompa Loompa rejection songs in an hour.

Oompa Loompa 3: Ok what if for the fat kid were like: [singing] Don't eat ice cream or cake or pie, if you wonder you shouldn't ask why.

[The others disagree]

Oompa Loompa 4: What do we sing about cake?

Oompa Lumpa 2: So uh f-for the bubble gum girl, how about: [singing] You've gotten yourself into a sticky situation.

[Again the others disagree]

Oompa Loompa 3: GOT IT! We compare the fat kid to an elephant, yeah?

Oompa Loompa 5: [enters the room] Guys that fat kid's already in the chocolate river, we need to go now!

[They all get up and leave the room]

Oompa Loompa 1: Okay, let's just to the elephant idea and we'll improvise the rest.

